Sunday, January 27, 2008

The Elijah hand monster

"Wa happened?"

MNT Adams

December and I went up to MNT Adams for Christmas. It was cold and quite. We saw a pymy owl up there. (sorry no pics of that one.) But we went snow shoeing and this little dog followed us all around.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Saturday, January 5, 2008

TRUTh Drums

Tim at Truth Drums bought some art off of me and then asked me to paint some shells. He gave me some blanks and let me do what ever. Truth Drums goes down to southern Cali for a trade show, and it might get soem work for me in the future. It was fun to do. Thanks Tim.

Wednesday, January 2, 2008


Ian brought this over for Thanksgiving. mmmmmmmm.


I know it is late but here is a nice pic from Thanksgiving.

FIX Ians car

Ian works on cars out in the garage at Decembers house. He got his new car in there and started to fix it up with J. They are like clock work in there it is pretty neat to see that knowledge blow out. I wish I fixed my dad's van with him instead of going sk8 boarding. oh well.

Feed the people pie

So every year December and the kids make about 10-12 pies and give then to the homeless shelter down town. It is awesome to see them come together and make all this food and just give it away. They made pumpkin and some apple too.